International Social Work

The University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland Valais, School of Social Work in Sierre, the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences at the University of Applied Sciences, Osnabrück (Germany), and the Department of Social Work at Malmö University (Sweden) offer three two-week modules in “International Social Work”. The aim of this specialisation is to reflect upon and compare international theories and practices on selected topics in social work in Germany, Sweden and Switzerland. It includes modules with innovative lectures in English, taught by researcher and practitoners, also including visiting professors of the participating universities, and institutional and/or agency visits as well as the possibility to exchange with other students from different universities and country contexts.
International Social Work focusses on three themes. Each of them is covered in a two-week module at one of the participating universities.
Active participation in all three modules is required. Additionally, students are asked to present a specific topic during each of the two-week modules and submit a written learning journal of 8-10 pages for the entire program. The presentations are evaluated by the participating professors of all three universities.