AI applied to the healthcare sector

Research at the intersection of health and IT

Around thirty researchers in the eHealth unit of the Institute of Informatics at the School of Management are working on projects at the interface between health and information technology. The research teams are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions to healthcare professionals, including doctors, nursing staff, physiotherapists, ergonomists, nutritionists, and radiologists. 

Pioneering healthcare research

These projects focus on various aspects of healthcare, such as medical imaging, the representation of medical information (including data, processes, ontologies, etc.), interoperability standards for information exchange, the explainability of algorithms and ethical aspects of research. Their applied research is designed to ensure efficient, ethical, and legally compliant patient data management to support the various healthcare professions. 

Cooperation with key partners

The research is funded by several organisations, including the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Innosuisse, and EU funding programmes. It is carried out in collaboration with local partners (Valais Hospital, Lausanne University Hospital CHUVHUG, etc.) and focuses on patients, carers, and healthcare stakeholders.

Innovative tools for healthcare professionals

The Institute develops tools to assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions and improving patient care. These tools enable them to develop their relationships with patients and enhance the overall care experience.

The Institute's core competencies include:

  • Image recognition 
  • Medical information processing 
  • Intelligent agents 
  • Content-based visual information retrieval
  • Content-based image retrieval 
  • Intelligent agents for personalised healthcare 
  • Health sensor monitoring and decision support systems
  • Semantic data representation, interoperability in health data exchange 

Senior researchers


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Heads of units

Photo d'Adrien Depeursinge, Professeur à l'Institut Informatique de la HES-SO Valais-Wallis
Professor UAS, Adrien Depeursinge
Photo d'Henning Müller, Professeur à l'institut Informatique de la HES-SO Valais-Wallis
Professor UAS, Henning Müller
Institute of Informatics

Prof. Laurent Sciboz, Head of Institute of Informatics

Techno-Pôle 3
3960 Sierre