International Mobility

In a globalised, interconnected world where people are increasingly mobile, the social work curriculum is increasingly training future professionals to deal with a diversity of practices and to acquire transcultural skills.
The Haute Ecole et Ecole Supérieure de Travail Social (HESTS) offers international exchange opportunities. HESTS students have the opportunity to gain practical experience or spend a semester studying with organisations or academic institutions in Europe, North and South America, Africa and Asia. The HESTS also welcomes students from various academic institutions for study visits or to carry out an internship in a Swiss social organisation.
More information for our partners abroad, OUT students and IN students can be found on the respective sub-sites.
Every year, the HES-SO Valais/Wallis organises several international dialogues in collaboration with its partner organisations. These online meetings address various themes related to social work, providing a platform for exchange and reflection on global issues. Watch videos of presentations from various countries at the meetings.
If you have any questions about this programme, we encourage you to contact:
Head of International Relations
Amel Mahfoudh
International module coordinators
Marina Richter
Amel Mahfoudh
Riham Adel