
Funktion | Professor/in FH |
Ausbildungen | Doctorat ès sciences, spécialité informatique, Université de Neuchâtel |
Telefon | |
Fax | +41 58 606 90 91 | | |
Büro | L105 |
Prof. Anne Le Calvé is professor at the Institute of Business Information Systems at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland Wallis (Sierre, switzerland) since 1999. She holds a PhD in computer science - about meta search engine methodologies in information retrieval domain - from the University of Neuchâtel in Switzerland in 1998.
Her research activities focus on semantic web technologies, knowledge management and information modeling. She leads or participates in numerous projects in semantic domain applied to different fields such as eTourism, knowledge management, personal information management, energy and user modeling system in adaptive interfaces. Prof. Le Calvé is supervisor of the web site for promoting semantic web technologies.