
Funktion | Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in FH |
Ausbildungen | PhD in Sociology |
Telefon | | | | | |
Büro | L147 |
Dr. Jakub Mlynář is a sociologist working as a scientific collaborator in the Human-Centered Computing Group at the Institute of Informatics, HES-SO Valais-Wallis. Dr. Mlynář’s focus on the sociological aspects of digital technology and AI has significantly developed since he joined HES-SO in 2021, continuing his previous professional interests. He defended his PhD thesis in 2016 at Charles University, Prague, where he researched a large digital database of oral history interviews. He conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, from 2016 to 2018, under the supervision of Prof. Esther González-Martínez, further developing his dissertation topics. His focus is on naturalistic, video-based studies of the social organization of human–machine interactions, grounded in ethnomethodology, conversation analysis, STS, and HCI research.
Principal investigator
▪ SNSF Spark – project “Remembering the future: A study of work in street trials of driverless buses” (2024–2025) –
▪ Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for Foreign Scholars and Artists (2017–2018) – Interaction and Social Practices Research Group (GRIPS), Department of Social Sciences, University of Fribourg: project “Collective memory as an interactional practice: The case of the Czech-Jewish experience in Switzerland during the World War II period”
Team member
▪ HES-SO Projets stratégiques 2024 – project “Teaching radiomics (TERA): Shaping the future of medical education and practice with AI-based tools in cancer care” (HES-SO; PI: Adrien Depeursinge; 2024–2025)
▪ RCSO ISNet – project “Radiomics in higher education: QuantImage as a teaching tool – RADHED” (HES-SO; PI: Florian Evéquoz; 2022–2023)
▪ SNSF Spark – project “Reimagining Artificial Intelligence – Towards Establishing a Sociological Conception of AI” (UNIFR; PI: Hamed Alavi; 2020–2021)
International partner
▪ University of Helsinki, Finland: internal project “Synthetic data as an object and a tool of research” (PI: Ilkka Arminen; 2022–2023)