
Funktion | Ehemalige/r Mitarbeiter/in |
Ausbildungen | PhD in Computer Science and Telecommunication Technologies |
Telefon | | | | | |
Büro | ENP 23.N401 |
From January 2017 Dr. Alena Simalatsar has started to work at HES-SO Valais-Wallis first at the position of a scientific collaborator, while later in January 2019 she has been appointed a Professor UAS position at the same university. Her current work and interest is focused on development of novel medical devices including but not limited to closed-loop/autonomous devices, such as drug delivery systems. In parallel Dr. Simalatsar has a partial affiliation with the Division of Clinical Pharmacology of Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland.
Dr. Alena Simalatsar has received her PhD in Computer Science and Telecommunication Technologies in 2009 from the University of Trento, Italy, where she focused on system-level analysis methodologies for embedded systems. During her PhD studies she spent six months as a Visiting Scholar at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences of the University of California at Berkeley, USA. She received her Bachelor and masters degree from the Faculty of Radiophysics and Computer Technologies of Belarusian State University in 2005. Her master thesis was dedicated to the development of a closed-loop controller for a cyber-physical system, a vacuum thin-film deposition chamber.
In February 2011 Dr. Alena Simalatsar has joined the Ecole Polytechnique Fédéral de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland in a role of a scientific collaborator, where she conducted research on multiple medical technologies (MedTech) projects until September 2016.
In particular, during the first tree years, being associated with the Integrated Systems Laboratory (LSI), Dr. Simalatsar has developed technologies and methodologies for drug delivery devices. She conducted safety and reliability analysis of closed-loop/autonomous drug delivery systems for cancer therapy with the main focus on formal representation of medical Guidelines (GL) to detect possible inconsistency, incompleteness, ambiguity and redundancy. She investigated a formalism (Timed Automata – TA) that would allow validation and verification of medical GLs as well as synthesis of the decision-support system or a code to be execution on an embedded system conforming with the guideline rules.
Later on, Dr. Simalatsar has joined the Rigorous System Design (RiSD) laboratory of EPFL. There she has participated in the project, the ultimate objective of which was to develop a scalable low-power, high‐performance, reconfigurable platform for 3D ultrasound (US) signal processing. She has contributed to the development of the prototype version of 3D Ultrasound application and development of a rigorous methodology for efficient deployment and execution of data-streaming application, such as ultrasound applications, on a highly parallel many-core platform.
In 2015 Dr. Simalatsar has created a concept for Continuous Monitoring of Anesthetics (CoMofA) project aimed to provide a personalized Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) systems for anesthesia delivery. Within this project she is focused on a safe and efficient closed-loop controller able to adjust the delivery rates of anesthetics according to the measurements received from electrochemical sensors continuously monitoring drug concentrations in human plasma.