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Prof. Dr. Sergio Schmid

Head of the Institute
Life Sciences Engineering
Professor UAS
Responsabilities Institute of Life Technologies
Office VS-ENP 19.N317

With his project team, Dr. Sergio Schmid participates in several national and international research projects. He is an expert for development and validation of real-time PCR-based methods for detection of micro-organisms that are applied in his ISO 17025 accredited laboratory. For several years, he is working on the development of microbial expression platforms for the production of recombinant peptides and proteins.

His team carries out publicly funded projects or projects for industrial clients in the following areas:

  • Improvement of production systems and production strains for recombination proteins in micro-organisms. A particular focus is given to the requirements of bioprocess engineering.
  • Strain screening, development and application of genetic methods for identification and typing of micro-organisms.
  • Development of PCR-based methods for the detection of micro-organisms and for the analysis of gene expression.
Schmid Sergio