Disagreements in Nursing Homes. Analysing the Competition between Occupations with Fuzzy Boundaries

Disagreements in Nursing Homes. Analysing the Competition between Occupations with Fuzzy Boundaries
David Pichonnaz, assistant professor UAS, has co-authored an article published in the Revue Suisse de sociologie.
This article looks at interprofessional disagreements about how care should be provided in nursing homes for elderly people. The article shows that, while work is discussed by referring to four general principles, their prioritization remains a point of contention.This priority ranking is specific to the norms of each profession involved, which are not always compatible.
David Pichonnaz, Alexandre Lambelet & Valérie Hugentobler (2020) « Désaccords en établissements pour personnes âgées. Analyser les concurrences entre métiers aux contours flous », Revue suisse de sociologie, Vol. 46, n°1, pp. 97-115.