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Friday 26 March 2021 09:43

The aim of the SRG SSR Hackdays was to develop innovations for the media industry by working together remotely in an interdisciplinary way. This 2-day hackathon took place online on April 25 and 26 and had as its theme "Changing media consumption". More than 120 participants from all over Switzerland took part in this process.

Researchers from the Institute of Business Informatics of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis in Sierre participated in this innovation event.

Their project "Improving News Content Quality by Adopting Entity Linking and Topic Modeling (IM-NEWS)" aimed at improving the ranking pertience of online articles through automated ranking methods.

The team consisted of:

  • Zhan Liu, Senior researcher, Institute of Information Systems, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
  • Matthieu Delaloye, Senior researcher, Institute of Information Systems, HES-SO Valais-Wallis
  • Philipp Kuntschik, Scientific collaborator, FH Graubünden
  • Claire Lebedeff, UX/UI Designer, Socraft