When art meets technology

The Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services (Data+Service) is a strong community that helps companies to move forward with digitization. This swiss technology network is dedicated for innovative companies, academic institutes and individuals with a focus on data-driven value creation: services, products and business models based on digital data (more info). As part of its development, the network has decided to join forces with an original artistic approach that takes the work of art "Ort der Vision" on a journey mixing art and technology throughout Switzerland.
The Institute of Information Systems of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis is an active member of this swiss technology network through various data analysis activities in the fields of energy, health or digital services. In this context, the research institute based in Sierre participated in the collaborative artwork "Ort der Vision".
A vision, an idea, an inspiration, and the artist H.R. Fricker, who created this art work called "Ort der Vision" to make a story of our own path to an innovative future. The Swiss Alliance for Data-Intensive Services found this at Museum Kartause and brought it to SDS2019, where it begins its journey. Follow this “Ort der Vision” plate and be part of the Data+Service story : https://data-service-alliance.ch/inspiration/ort-der-vision.
After a transition to the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, the work of art has been transmitted to SUPSI and continues its journey between digital and physical.