HEI Entrepreneurship Programme

LifeCellAgglutination LCA: a new tool for rapid detection of infectious diseases
This team of young graduates is developing a diagnostic device for the rapid detection of infections. Quick and effective detection is key to tackling many diseases. Faster detection often makes all the difference when it comes to treating infections. This new tool that the young engineers have developed could provide a solution for developing countries. The project won the Gebert Rüf Stiftung First Venture Award in June 2019, which opened up great new opportunities for this new HEI start-up.
Awards | Prix First Venture de la Fondation Gebert Rüf |
Project Lead | Cindy Weber, Melinda Uccella |
Institut HEI | Technologie du vivant |
Nivitec: Fly for Life
This start-up has developed an autonomous drone that can find avalanche victims more quickly. The drone provides rescuers with a faster, safer way to search: it reduces search time and reduces the risks to rescuers. The Business Experience (BEX) programme offered by HES-SO Valais-Wallis enabled this team of young entrepreneurs to work on the project during their studies.
Awards | Prix First Venture de la Fondation Gebert Rüf Finaliste du Prix Créateur BCVs |
Project Lead | Jonathan Michel, Vincent Bontempelli, Stephanie Ferreira |
Website | www.nivitec.ch |
Institut HEI | Systèmes industriels |
Clean-Boat is developing and marketing a cleaning brush specifically designed for cleaning boat hulls.
Project Lead | Alexandre Braissant, Thuy Ly Nguyen and Laurent Forrer |
Website | CleanBoat & Team | CleanBoat (clean-boat.ch) |
Institut HEI | Système industriel |
The entire Clean-Boat team
Sionne Biotec: Tailored biopolymers through bioengineering
The aim of this project is to develop a technology capable of converting CO2 into biopolymers that can be used as a substitute for many petroleum-based products. Natural strains of bacteria use a fermentation process to fix CO2 in the form of PHAs (biopolymers). The team is working on optimising this process and scaling it up.
Awards | Winner of theInnosuisse Businee Concept Training The Ark incubation |
Project lead | Manfred Zinn, Tim Börner |
HEI institute | Life Technologies |
Celectis Sàrl: creator of intelligent heat flux sensors
This start-up aims to create intelligent sensors that reduce industrial companies’ energy costs. It is currently developing its Heat Flux Sensor with a view to marketing it in the chemical, metallurgy and energy sectors.
Awards | Prix First Venture de la Fondation Gebert Rüf Bourse The Ark Innosuisse innovation project |
Project lead | Steve Joris, Edouard Baer |
Advisors | Samuel Rey Mermet, Jan Van Herle (EPFL) |
HEI institute | Systems Engineering |