Co-creation of a techno-pedagogical process to support professional training

People with cognitive and/or social disorders encounter learning difficulties in their professional training. These difficulties reduce their chances of acquiring the necessary skills to integrate into the job market. Scientific literature shows that professional training that is adapted to the difficulties of each learner can improve the professional skills of these people and thus their employability.
This project aims to create a pedagogical process that adapts to the difficulties of each learner. This process is based on Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) coupled with Machine Learning (ML) algorithms. As a first step, VR will allow the learner's attention to focus on the important aspects of the training and to collect the progress of his learning process. As a second step, AR will allow to display elements that are difficult to visualize. The ML algorithms will allow a personalization of the training with the help of the socio-professional educators.
Among the trainings offered by ORIF, the ones in the construction trades requests the acquisition of skills related to reading a 2D plan in order to findits correspondence in 3D and to scale. These basic skills are important in the autonomy of future workers. Therefore, these skills will be the subject of the first case study of our process. This case study will allow us to measure the pedagogical impact of the approach.
Our project constitutes a social innovation as its aim is to respond to the need to improve the effectiveness of pedagogical devices and to adapt training to the difficulties of learners. In order to do this, we will develop a technological innovation that promotes the learning of the targeted skill and that is used as a mediatization of knowledge, as well as a pedagogical support guide for the professionals supervising these young people.