WISER (Innosuisse Flagship)

The WISER flagship proposes a systemic innovation for Switzerland: to become a world leader in environmental accounting. Building on transparency & accountability, as well as the Swiss strengths of research excellence & accuracy, a digital ecosystem will be created in which public and private stakeholders can contribute and share greenhouse gas (GHG) knowledge. By making different GHG data sources and frameworks comparable, understandable and verified, foundations will be created for organisations to take targeted measures to improve and accelerate their decarbonisation efforts. Herein, the WISER flagship provides assessment frameworks and tailored visualisation tools which can be used by all stakeholders with many data sources. Decentralised knowledge on GHG emissions is thus shared more easily to analyse the carbon footprints (CF) of supply chains. Automated data updates will integrate the continuously growing information basis on GHG data to streamline an open data approach