PiBS - from High School to University of Applied Sciences

To undergo Bachelor studies at the University of Applied Sciences HES-SO Valais-Wallis, those who are interested and who have a high school baccalaureate must have a 12 month professional experience prior to starting the Bachelor degree. 

« Practical work oriented - PiBS » Bachelor studies integrate this internship directly into the ordinary Life Sciences Engineering Bachelor cursus. The PiBS combines professional experience with theory.

Thanks to the PiBS programme, it is possible for the student holder of a high school baccalaureate or federal vocational baccalaureate to immediately start her/his training without the 12 month professional experience normally required prior to starting. 


Duration and distribution of studies

The « Practice integrated Bachelor - PiBS » lasts in general 4 years. The practical part is 40% of the programme and includes a 12 month internship in a company, laboratory work, projects and the Bachelor thesis (3 months). 

Target group

The PiBS programme is aimed at firstly those who hold a high school baccalaureate and those who come from abroad holding a similar degree as well as a work permit (Permit C) for Switzerland. 


The degree programme is generally full-time. The contents are the same as those of the ordinary Bachelor degree programme but with a one year (12 months) internship in a company incorporated into the programme.

The internship is incorporated in between the first and second year of studies and starts in between week 28 (July) and week 37 (September). The duration is 12 months for the Bachelor in Life Sciences Engineering. 

It is recommended to participate in a 2 week laboratory pre-internship organised in July at the School of Engineering. This pre-internship (summer internship) can be extended to 10 weeks depending on the student's cursus (Practical preparatory courses/modules in Life Sciences in laboratories and pilot halls). The Bachelor thesis and the projects are part of the study programme. The Bachelor thesis (3 months) can also be done in a company. 

Full-time Model n°1

The same conditions apply for the model 2, but in this variant, the one year internship (12 months) happens after the second year of studies. 

Full-time Model n°2


Those admitted in the PiBS programme have a high school baccalaureate or a federal vocational baccalaureate or a CFC (federal diploma of vocational education and training) of a profession not otherwise related to the desired degree programme as well as those who come from abroad interested in the degree programme, provided that they have an internship contract with a partner company. 


  • Enroll and register for the Bachelor of Science HES-SO in Life Sciences Engineering degree programme.
  • Send your PiBS dossier to info.lse@hevs.ch by May 31st (end of applications) at the latest. Certain dossiers can still be processed after May 31st
    • Your dossier must contain your CV, photo, cover letter.
    • Please address your dossier to Professor Umberto Piantini (umberto.piantini@hevs.ch), and join your high school baccalaureate or federal vocational baccalaureate grades or semestrial grades, if you have already received them. 
    • Regarding Lonza, please prepare your dossier in German or English. 
    • Regarding Nestlé, please prepare your dossier in French or English.