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Prof. Dr. Simon Crelier

Professeur·e HES
Bureau ENP 19.N504

Dr Simon Crelier graduated in chemical engineering from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. During his academic and professional carreer (including 10 years in the food industry) he acquired expertise in the fields of enzyme reaction engineering in non-conventional media, non-thermal enzyme and microorganism inactivation technologies, integrated (bio)processes, microencapsulation and downstream processing of biomolecules.

He joined the Biotechnology Orientation (Life Technologies Department) of the HES-SO Valais in 2003, where he teaches downstream processing and enzyme technology. Inside the Biotechnology & Sustainable Chemistry research group he is conducting research projects (both publicly funded and in the form of industrial mandates) on the following topics:

  • isolation and characterization of biomolecules
  • biotransformations using enzymes and whole cells
  • immobilization of enzymes
  • microreaction engineering
  • biosorption
  • biorefining, waste valorizat
  • (micro)encapsulation.

He has a weakness for bad puns, loud guitar bands, Mexican food and comic books.

Crelier Simon