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Symposium MR-EYE
Wednesday 18 September 2024 08:30 - 16:00

Discover major advances in ocular imaging and analysis, including MR-Eye segmentation, dynamic eye-brain imaging, and the integration of functional vision sensors with optimised MRI sequences from the experts of the domain. Through machine learning, ophthalmic segmentation and complex image analysis, we will explore the early detection of ophthalmic diseases. Eye-tracking integrated into neurological studies reveals the impact of neurological disorders on vision, paving the way for personalised diagnosis and treatment for a variety of eye and brain conditions. Come listen some leading researchers during a day of conferences at the Energypolis Campus.


08:30-09:00 WELCOME COFFEE


  • 09:00-09:10: Gaëtan Cherix / Director, School of Engineering
  • 09:10-09:20: Olivier Lorentz / Executive director, The Sense
  • 09:20-09:35: Prof. Benedetta Franceschiello / HEI / Introduction to the symposium: Novel Imaging techniques in MR-Eye and Vision

09:35-12:35 PRESENTATIONS (15 minutes + 5’ Q&A)

  • 09:35-09:55: Mélanie Bœuf / FA2 - Motility exam and ocular movements
  • 09:55-10:15: Fatima Anaflous / FA2 - Low vision and eye movement
  • 10:15-10:35: Dr. Aleksandra Eberhard-Moscicka / UNI BE - Visuospatial Attention: Insights from health and pathology

10:35-10:55: COFFEE BREAK

  • 10:55-11:15: Prof. Philippe Potty / HE Arc - From Basics to Application: Advanced Electrooculography for Eye Tracking in MRI
  • 11:15-11:35: Prof. Laura Raileanu / HEIG-VD - MREye-Track - Applying Machine Learning to Extract Eye Movement Trajectories from MRI Data
  • 11:35-11:55: Dr. Meritxell Bach Cuadra / CHUV-UNIL, CIBM - A-Eye Vision: Segmentation Techniques in Eye MRI Analysis
  • 11:55-12:15: Prof. Jessica Bastiaansen / UNI BE - Looking at fat with different eyes
  • 12:15-12:35: Dr. Eline De Clerck/ HUG - Repeatability and reproducibility of oct and oct-a : Swiss ophthalmic imaging network

12:35-13:45 LUNCH BREAK & NETWORKING Free Vegetarian Buffet

13:45-16:00 POSTER SESSION

  • 13:45-15:00: Poster presentations
  • 15:00-15:30: Deliberations of the panel
  • 15:30-16:00: Poster prize

**Note:** The event is free, but registration is required ⬇️