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This page catalogs an overview of online reputation management and customer feedback analysis in the tourism and hospitality industry from 2009 to 2018. It presents a series of workshops, studies, and reports that explore the importance of online reviews, social media content, and customer satisfaction metrics. These documents, compiled by the HES-SO Valais-Wallis Institute of Tourism, highlight the significance of digital platforms in shaping traveler decisions, the impact of user-generated content on destination positioning, and the role of quality management in hotel performance. These detailed analyses provide valuable insights into how the tourism sector can effectively manage online feedback, enhance guest satisfaction, and maintain competitiveness in the digital age.


  1. Gestion des avis et commentaires en ligne, November 2018
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    This workshop focused on online review management in the tourism sector, covering various aspects such as the digital market environment, the significance of online reviews, and strategies for comment management. It emphasized the increasing importance of digital platforms and user-generated content in influencing traveler decisions. Discussions included statistics on traveler behavior regarding online reviews, highlighting their crucial role in hotel selection. The workshop also provided practical advice for hoteliers on responding to both positive and negative reviews, stressing the importance of authenticity, personalized responses, and addressing issues promptly. Overall, it underscored the need for hotels to actively engage in online reputation management to enhance guest satisfaction and maintain competitiveness in the digital age.

  2. Les photos de clients postées sur Instagram : une clé pour adapter le positionnement d’une destination, Januar 2017
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    Social networks are used by Swiss DMOs to strengthen engagement with current and potential visitors, or to enhance reputation/knowledge of the destination. But does the content generated by users reflect the image the destination wishes to project? Conversely, are destinations clear about their positioning? The stakes are high when you consider that 48% of Instagram users use the platform to discover and choose new travel destinations. This is what Anouk Allemand attempted to identify in an exploratory study for her EMBA thesis on tourism innovation. This analysis ties in with various studies conducted by the Observatoire Valaisan du Tourisme, notably the 2017 study on the use of social networks in Swiss tourism organizations.

  3. Analyse der Kundebewertungen Schweizer Hotels: Freundliche Hotels, zufriedene Gäste, profitable Betriebe, August 2015
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    The study evaluates the perception of Swiss and Wallis hospitality by customers based on TrustYou data from 2013 to 2015. TrustYou aggregates customer reviews from various online platforms, providing a TrustScore ranging from 0 to 100. The average TrustScore for Swiss accommodations is 81 points. Regions like Graubünden and Valais, especially Engadine and Oberwallis, show high scores. Investments in quality, including Swiss Tourism quality labels, correlate with higher TrustScores. Higher hotel classifications also correspond to better scores. Areas with lower bed occupancy tend to have lower TrustScores, while successful tourist spots exhibit higher satisfaction. Methodologically, the study utilizes TrustYou data, eliminating TrustScores based on fewer than five reviews and includes information on room numbers and classifications.

  4. Hotel-Evaluationen und Performance: Die Qualität der Schweizer Hotellerie aus Kundensicht, September 2011
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    This study on hotel evaluations and performance conducted by Roland Schegg, Miriam Scaglione, and Michael Fux from the Institute of Tourism at HES-SO Valais in Switzerland aimed to analyze customer perceptions of Swiss hotels. Utilizing data from TrustYou, which aggregates customer reviews from various platforms, the study examined factors influencing hotel ratings and provided recommendations. Findings revealed correlations between factors such as hotel category, customer satisfaction, occupancy rates, and revenue per available room (RevPAR). Additionally, the study highlighted the importance of quality management systems, customer feedback, and hotel positioning in influencing guest satisfaction and overall performance. The study's formula for customer satisfaction explained 50.7% of the variation in TrustYou scores.

  5. E-Mail Mystery Guest Survey 2005, January 2009
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    Alpine 3- and 4-star hotels from Switzerland (Valais, Graubünden) and Austria (Tyrol, Kleinwalsertal) in comparison