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This page catalogs an overview of sales and market trends in the tourism and hospitality industry, highlighting the transformative impact of digitalization from 2010 to 2023. It presents a series of studies and reports that analyze evolving booking channels, the rise of the sharing economy, and the integration of digital tools within tourism organizations. Compiled by the HES-SO Valais-Wallis Institute of Tourism, these documents offer detailed insights into how the industry has adapted to changes in technology, consumer behavior, and market demands. Through these analyses, the page provides a clear understanding of how tourism and hospitality sectors navigate the digital age, embracing new opportunities and addressing emerging challenges.


  1.  Buchungswege der Zukunft, September 2023
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    Digitalization has disruptively changed traditional booking channels. While bookings through their own systems are decreasing and costs are rising, the question arises as to the future role of DMOs. Booking channels are evolving, influenced by generational change and the preferences of younger generations. Direct channels remain important, especially in the accommodation sector, while mobile bookings will soon dominate, driven by loyalty programs such as Booking's "Genius". New technologies such as AI and big data will influence the booking process. Swiss tourism players are facing challenges as OTAs are popular with end customers and local booking platforms require high investments. Global booking platforms are more efficient for standardized offers. It is advisable to market exclusive experiences and products yourself and differentiate yourself from global OTAs with unique offers.

  2. La transformation digitale et le tourisme: Le rôle du digital pour sortir le tourisme du choc pandémique, October 2021
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    Conference held as part of ULCC's Franco-Swiss Business Convention on October 7 in Geneva. A day of conferences and exchanges on the theme of tourism, sustainability and the integration of digitalization in the sector.
  3. Digitalisierung im Schweizer Tourismus: Progress Report, August 2021
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    Digitalization is driving many developments, including in Swiss tourism. Due to the associated dynamics, it is important to stop for a moment and recognize the countless opportunities that could arise from new technologies and - where appropriate - implement them. The study reflects the most important conclusions and recommendations for action on the state of digitalization in Swiss tourism.

  4. Managing Tourism in a World of Covid-19 – the Role of Digital, October 2020
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    There is no question that the global coronavirus crisis will transform tourism and the entire landscape of the hotel industry. The differences will be evident in many ways, as this unprecedented situation is linked to other issues and developments, including the digital transformation.

  5. Managing Tourism in a World of Global Online Platforms, December 2019
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    This study discusses managing tourism amidst digital transformation and the rise of global online platforms. It outlines four drivers for digital transformation, emphasizing connectivity, miniaturization, cost reduction, and performance increase in IT. The impacts of digital transformation on tourism include customer empowerment, changes in production processes, disruption of traditional value chains, and the emergence of a peer-to-peer economy. This study analyzes the dominance of big players like Google and Airbnb, stressing the need for strategic thinking and skills enhancement in tourism management. It presents examples of managing digital transformation through shared services, systems, and data. Ultimately, it highlights the importance of human factors and cooperation in adapting to the digital age.

  6. La transformation digitale dans le tourisme : une évolution exponentielle, October 2019
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    The article provides a comprehensive overview of the exponential evolution of digital transformation in tourism, highlighting key themes discussed in a conference held at the University of Lausanne's Sion site. It outlines various topics such as the accelerated cycles of innovation, the impact of digitization on tourism production, the disruption of traditional value chains, and the empowerment of customers through digital platforms. Furthermore, it discusses the importance of network effects, emerging trends, and the challenges and opportunities presented by digitalization. Overall, it emphasizes the profound changes brought about by digital technology in the tourism industry, from production to distribution and customer interaction.

  7. Online Food Delivery and Restaurant Booking Portals in Europe, June 2019
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    Food delivery markets are constantly expanding, with two major online players present across Europe, shows a study from HES-SO Valais-Wallis, School of Management in Switzerland. However, booking portals and online delivery services are still in an early stage, with a significant growth potential for the coming years.

  8. Social Media und Datennutzung in Schweizer Tourismusorganisationen im Jahr 2018, April 2019
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    In January-February of this year, the Institute of Tourism (ITO) of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis conducted an online survey of Swiss tourism organizations (TO) for the 5th time since 2015. The continuous implementation allows comparisons to be made between the different years and potential trends to be identified. In addition to the use of social media, the current study also surveyed the use of data in Swiss tourism organizations for the reference year 2018. The survey was conducted online and answered by 108 organizations.

  9. Digitalisierung im Schweizer Tourismus: Chancen, Herausforderungen, Implikationen, September 2018
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    On behalf of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO, the Institute of Tourism at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, together with the Universities of St. Gallen (lead partner) and Bern and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, has compiled a report on various areas and aspects of digitalization in tourism. This work is one of the many building blocks around the topic of digitalization in Switzerland and explicitly takes a perspective on the topic of "tourism and digitalization".

  10. Service à la clientèle digital - des réseaux sociaux aux chatbots, September 2018
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    The Institute of Tourism at HES-SO Valais-Wallis, in collaboration with the University of St. Gallen, the University of Bern, and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, authored a report commissioned by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) on digitalization in tourism. This report offers a perspective on the theme "Tourism and Digitalization" in Switzerland. It forms part of a broader effort to understand the impacts and implications of digitalization across various sectors. By examining different areas and aspects of digitalization, the report aims to provide insights into how technology is shaping the tourism industry and to identify opportunities and challenges for stakeholders in Switzerland's tourism landscape.

  11. The use of social media within the public transport  industry in Switzerland, March 2018
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    This summary discusses the results of an online survey conducted in Switzerland in December 2017 regarding the use of social media within the public transport industry. The survey, conducted by Uli Straehler and Roland Schegg from the Institute of Tourism at HES-SO Valais, gathered data on social media goals, usage patterns, content strategies, marketing budgets, and challenges faced by public transport companies. Key findings include high adoption rates of Facebook and YouTube, limited investment in social media marketing despite acceptance of digital marketing expenditures, and challenges such as resource constraints and organizational complexity. The study provides insights into the current state of social media usage and its implications for the public transport sector in Switzerland.

  12. Digitalisierung in der Hotellerie (Vortrag 2. Oberengadiner-Hotelier-Tag), March 2018
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    The "Digitalization in the Hotel Industry" event, held on March 13, 2018, at Hotel Saratz in Pontresina, Switzerland, explored various facets of digital transformation. Roland Schegg from the Institute of Tourism at HES-SO Valais/Wallis highlighted the importance of digitalization beyond mere technology adoption, emphasizing its potential to enhance future operations and customer experiences. Key topics included the digital landscape in tourism, efficient customer acquisition tools, cost-saving strategies, upcoming trends, and the role of artificial intelligence. The event underscored the need for hotels to embrace digital tools to stay competitive, leveraging platforms like social media and mobile applications throughout the customer journey. Digital initiatives such as personalized pricing, AI-driven chatbots, and voice-controlled services were discussed as integral to enhancing guest experiences and operational efficiency. The presentation emphasized the shift towards customer-centric approaches and the integration of emerging technologies to meet evolving guest expectations.

  13. Digital Transformation in the Accommodation Business, June 2017
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    The debate on developments within the accommodation business has demonstrated how difficult it is for a sector that is predominantly made up of small businesses and in which there is a lack of role models to grasp and respond to the changes associated with the digital transformation.
  14. Social Media Use in Swiss Tourism Organisations 2016, June 2017
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    Today, digital media can no longer be ignored in the communication strategies of tourism organizations (TO). TOs must be active where their current or potential customers spend a large part of their online time, i.e. on social media in particular. This requires a professionalization of the use of digital marketing tools. An online travel agency (OTA) such as, for example, spent 3.5 billion dollars on digital marketing (primarily search engine advertising such as Google Adwords) in 2016, which is almost 40 % of the company's budget. Incidentally, this amount represents more than 90 % of the entire marketing budget. But how are tourism organizations in Switzerland positioned when it comes to the use of social media? In February 2017, the Valais Tourism Observatory therefore conducted an online survey of Swiss tourism organizations in continuity with two comparable studies carried out in March 2015 and May 2016. The results presented in the report are based on responses from 124 organizations."

  15. Integration von «Smart Destination» Technologien: Wo stehen die Schweizer Tourismusorganisationen, September 2016
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    In May 2016, a survey was sent online to 165 Swiss tourism organizations with the aim of obtaining information on the use of social media and the use of information and reservation systems. The third and final part of the survey focuses on "smart" initiatives and practices of destinations. The "Smart Destination" concept focuses on the organization and services offered by a destination as well as its handling of information and data. The optimal use of information and communication technologies (ICT) should create added value for the destination, its stakeholders (residents, local economy, administration) and guests.

  16. Nutzung von Destinationsmanagement Systemen (DMS) in Schweizer Tourismusorganisationen, September 2016
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    In May 2016, an online survey was sent to 165 tourism organizations in Switzerland with the aim of obtaining information on the use of social media and information and reservation systems. The last part of the survey focuses primarily on "smart destination" initiatives and practices. The results of this study are presented in three different analyses.
  17. eTourismus – Schlüssel zum Erfolg von Destinationen: Entwicklung und Folgerungen für die DMO, November 2015
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    Lecture on November 5, 2015 as part of the VSTM Management Seminar
  18. L’utilisation des systèmes de front office dans l’hôtellerie valaisanne, April 2010
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    Results of an online survey of members of the Association hôtelière du Valais at the start of 2010