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This page catalogs a comprehensive overview of trends in the Swiss hotel market, specifically focusing on the evolution of booking channels from 2009 to 2022. It presents a series of studies and reports that analyze the dynamic landscape of hotel distribution in Switzerland. These documents, compiled by the HES-SO Valais-Wallis Institute of Tourism, highlight the increasing importance of online travel agencies (OTAs), the persistent relevance of direct bookings, and the significant digital transformation within the hospitality industry. These detailed analyses allow to understand how Swiss hotels have navigated changes in technology, consumer behavior, and market demands over the years.

  1. Trendwende im Schweizer Hotelmarkt: Wie sich Buchungskanäle im Jahr 2022 entwickelt haben und welche Rolle Online-Portale spielen, April 2023
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    The study provides insights into the distribution channels utilized by Swiss hotels, highlighting a shift towards electronic distribution with a significant increase in online bookings. Direct booking channels remain crucial, although traditional partners like tourism associations and travel agencies have seen a slight resurgence, possibly due to regained trust post-pandemic. However, online travel agencies (OTAs) still dominate the market, with Booking Holding maintaining a significant share. Despite the convenience, hotels face substantial commission to pay to the OTAs. Digitalization trends include the adoption of Internet Booking Engines (IBE) and Channel Managers, enhancing real-time booking experiences. Additionally, the document discusses payment systems, pricing strategies, and cybersecurity measures, emphasizing the growing importance of digital direct bookings and the need for continuous improvement in cybersecurity practices.

  2. Schweizer Hotelvertriebsstudie 2022: Direktbuchungen und auch OTAs in Schweizer Hotellerie 2021 im Aufwind, March 2022
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    HotellerieSuisse, in collaboration with the Institute for Tourism at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), surveyed Swiss hotels between January and February 2022 on their distribution channels for the reference year 2021. The results show a de facto bi-polarization of channels: Online booking platforms (OTA) on the one hand, direct bookings on the other.

  3. Distributionsstudie 2020: Schweizer Hotels nutzen Krise für Digitalisierungsschub, March 2021
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    HotellerieSuisse, in collaboration with the Institute of Tourism at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), surveyed Swiss hotels on their distribution channels between January and February 2021. The results show that online booking platforms (OTAs) were able to practically maintain their market share despite the crisis year. This illustrates their market power. At the same time, Swiss hotels have experienced a surge in digitalization and invested in digital infrastructure and processes in 2020.

  4. Online Direktbuchungen bei Schweizer Hotels immer wichtiger, May 2020
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    HotellerieSuisse, in collaboration with the Institute of Tourism at the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais-Wallis (HES-SO Valais-Wallis), surveyed Swiss hotels on their distribution channels between January and February 2020. The results show that online booking channels continue to grow. Compared to the previous year, however, direct bookings on hotels' own websites in particular have also become more important.

  5. Resultate der Online-Umfrage zur Vertriebssituation in der Schweizer Hotellerie für das Jahr 2018, April 2019
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    Results from the annual survey on the distribution situation in the Swiss hotel industry, conducted by the Institute for Tourism at the HES-SO Valais-Wallis, with the support of hotelleriesuisse. The results presented are based on responses from 261 hotels surveyed online between January and February 2019.

  6. Booking Holding als dominanter Player im Hotel Vertrieb: Resultate einer Online-Umfrage zur Vertriebssituation in der Schweizer Hotellerie für das Jahr 2017, March 2018
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    The growth of online booking portals (OTAs) continues unabated. However, in particular is benefiting from this and is further expanding its dominant market position in the online booking sector at the expense of the other OTAs. Direct bookings were also used slightly more in 2017.

  7. Referat zum Thema «Lex», August 2017
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    Speech on the topic "Lex", Trade and Industry Association of the Canton of Bern, Business Lunch.

  8. Was der Schweizer Tourismus von globalen Akteuren wie und Airbnb lernen kann, May 2017
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    Presentation at the Annual General Meeting of Lucerne Tourism AG on May 12, 2017 in Lucerne.

  9. Swiss Hotel Distribution Survey 2017: Study Report, April 2017
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    Since 2003, a standard questionnaire has been used by the Institute of Tourism of the HES-SO Valais-Wallis in Sierre for the analysis of the distribution landscape in the Swiss hotel industry allowing to monitor the evolution of hotel distribution channels over time. In order to draw the picture of the current situation (i.e. reference year 2016) of distribution channels (online as well as offline) within the Swiss hotel industry, hotelleriesuisse, the Swiss hotel association, wanted to conduct an online survey.

  10. Strong Growth of Online Travel Agencies (OTA) in the Swiss Hotel Industry in 2016, February 2017
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    The share of hotel bookings via online travel agencies (OTAs) soared last year in Switzerland. In 2016 OTA bookings accounted for more than 27% of total overnight stays, compared with 20.6% in 2015. The three major OTAs -, Expedia and HRS - together accounted for 93% of the online travel platform market. Direct bookings (customer-hotel) by e-mail or telephone were below the 60% mark for the first time. These figures confirm the increasing dependence of hotels on global online intermediaries and the increasing importance of the Internet for hoteliers. According to projections, by 2020, less than 50% of bookings will be made directly with hotels. These are the main conclusions of a study carried out by the Institute of Tourism of the University of Applied Arts and Sciences of Western Switzerland Valais, with the support of the Swiss hotel association (hotelleriesuisse).

  11. Hotel Distribution Study Switzerland: Results for the Reference Year 2015, August 2016
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    HOTREC, the European trade association of hotels, restaurants and cafes, unveils the results of its second hotel distribution study, based on responses from over 2000 hoteliers. The results show an increasing dependency of hotels on Online Travel Agents (OTAs), as nearly one out of four overnights was generated through this channel in 2015. With regard to the OTA market, it is clear that 3 big OTAs are dominating with a common market share of 92%. The most dominant player is the Priceline Group ( with a share of over 60%. Over the last few months, hotels have not experienced increased competition between OTAs, which was one of the expectations linked to the introduction of the so called ‘narrow parity clauses’. The vast majority of them reported not having experienced any decrease of commission rates to the OTAs.  

  12. Swiss Hotel Distribution Study: Are OTAs winning the customer race?, February 2015
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    The Institute of Tourism of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland Valais (HES-SO Valais-Wallis) in Sierre conducted an online survey with the support of the Swiss hotel association (hotelleriesuisse) in order to get insights into the distribution trends in the hospitality sector. The online survey for the reference year 2014 was conducted in January 2015 among 2000 member hotels of hotelleriesuisse. The results presented here are based on responses from 265 hotels all over Switzerland. This corresponds to a response rate of 13%.

  13. Ungebrochenes Wachstum der Online-Buchungsportale: Resultate einer Online-Umfrage zur Vertriebssituation in der Schweizer Hotellerie für das Jahr 2012, March 2013
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    Results of an Online Survey on Hotel Distribution in Switzerland for 2012

  14. Onlinevertrieb im Schweizer Tourismus (White paper), August 2011
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    This white paper on online distribution in Swiss tourism by Roland Schegg and Michael Fux, published in August 2011, provides an in-depth analysis of online distribution in the Swiss tourism sector. It covers various aspects including the general environment of online sales, booking tools used by Swiss hotels, distribution channels, competition among online booking platforms, and the perspective of hoteliers regarding commissions. The paper emphasizes the need for hotels to adapt to the changing landscape of online sales, develop comprehensive pricing and distribution strategies, improve their online marketing skills, and utilize modern management software for efficient sales and distribution. It also highlights the challenges and strategic implications for the Swiss tourism industry.

  15. Vertriebstrends in der Schweizer Hotellerie 2010: Online Reiseplattformen weiterhin im Aufwind - auf Kosten der wirtschaftlichen Gesundheit der Hotels?, February 2011
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    This study conducted by Roland Schegg, Michael Fux, and Thomas Allemann in February 2011 examines the distribution channels in Swiss hotels, focusing on the increasing market shares of online travel agencies (OTA) in 2010. Direct booking channels remain dominant, comprising 71.1% of overall bookings, while electronic channels, including real-time booking options, have gained popularity, reaching nearly 20%. emerges as a leading OTA, with a penetration rate of 90% and significant importance for Swiss hotels. The study estimates OTA revenues surpassing 850 million CHF in 2010, with commission costs totaling around 90 million CHF. The survey, conducted among members of Hotelleriesuisse, provides insights into hotel distribution trends and the impact of online platforms on the hospitality sector.

  16. Verfügbarkeiten und Preise von Schweizer Hotels in Vertriebskanälen, September 2010
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    This study conducted by Roland Schegg and Michael Fux from the Institute of Tourism at HES-SO Wallis in Sierre/Siders focuses on the availability and prices of Swiss hotels across various distribution channels. It includes an introduction to the distribution landscape and online challenges, followed by a detailed methodology. The results cover availability and price variations in different distribution channels, with discussions on the implications. The study emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive distribution strategy, including considerations for price parity, availability, and the impact of online visibility on direct bookings. Recommendations include developing pricing strategies, leveraging distribution tools, and understanding the profitability of different sales channels.

  17. Beurteilung von Onlinevertriebskanälen durch die Schweizer Hotellerie. Implikationen einer online Umfrage bei Mitgliedern von hotelleriesuisse im Juli 2010, July 2010
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    Implications of an online survey of hotelleriesuisse members in July 2010

  18. Online-Vertrieb in der Schweizer Hotellerie im Jahr 2009, April 2010
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    Results of an online survey on distribution channels among hotelleriesuisse members in spring 2010

  19. Online Vertrieb in Schweizer Hotellerie gewinnt an Dynamik im Jahr 2008, January 2009
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    Results of an online survey of hotelleriesuisse members for 2008.